3rd Book Release
Welcome to Gifted Warrior Productions
The newest book, “The Beauty That Came From The Beast” book signings will be scheduled in the near future…Stay tuned…
Be on the lookout to see Kenny Wilder Jr. on set of the upcoming comedy movie, “Only At An Old Folks Home” Release date, late 2023
Gifted Warrior Productions is a company known for striving to implement innovative solutions as a multimedia conglomerate. We are proud to welcome the comedic style of Deacon Such&Such.
Please go to the Events & Media page to watch The Deacon’s Corner episodes.
We make bold illustration of life challenges in the media arena, and our goal is to put our audience in a setting that they can relate to.
Kenny Wilder Jr. is the founder of Gifted Warrior Productions and his life experiences and challenges inspired the core principles and lifestyle now written in his first book “The Beast Within“ and second book “Unleash The Beast”; furthermore he has added his newest book “The Beauty That Came From The Beast” which completes The Beast Within Trilogy.
Kenny continues exploring different venues in the production platform.
Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to seeing you again!